If we include industrial processes, heating accounts for more than a third of total UK carbon emissions, so the decarbonisation of heat will arguably be the biggest challenge facing UK energy policy in the next few decades, and this is driving crucial changes at a government level. The Prime Minister’s 10-point plan (issued November 2020) included government support for Hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels, so the gas industry is eagerly awaiting publication of the Government’s Hydrogen
Strategy, which is due this year and which is likely to form a large part of the Government’s COVID economic recovery plan.
Hydrogen has cleaner properties when compared to any carbon-based fuels and it is likely to be at the forefront of the UK’s efforts to achieve significant and sustainable reductions in carbon emissions. Hydrogen is also energy efficient, which means less is required to acquire the same results delivered by traditional fossil fuels, so businesses, industries, schools and colleges can achieve significant savings on running costs, whilst protecting the environment.
Hydrogen gas has great potential as a zero-carbon alternative to natural gas for heating and hot water in the UK, but for that potential to be realised, hydrogen has to become “low carbon” by transitioning away from the existing ‘grey hydrogen’, derived from fossil fuels but which results in carbon dioxide emissions being released into the atmosphere.
The initial transition away from grey hydrogen requires investment in ‘blue hydrogen’ which captures and stores the carbon dioxide, thereby mitigating any environmental impact. Whilst Carbon Capture will increase production costs, these technologies will only be the first steps towards the decarbonisation of heat.
The next step will be to move towards Green Hydrogen which uses renewable electricity and electrolyses to split the Hydrogen from water (H2O), which requires power from renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar, and which will make green hydrogen the cleanest option – hydrogen from renewable energy sources without CO2 as by-product.
Whilst the cleanest option will be Green hydrogen, this is currently the least cost effective option as it is based on the capital costs of electrolyses as well as the price of renewable electricity. So there will need to be substantial investment and further research to reduce the cost of green hydrogen
So in the short to medium term, blue hydrogen will be a useful alternative with the UK’s first hydrogen pipeline network supplying local industry and blending up to 20% hydrogen with natural gas into the gas distribution grid . The UK Government intends working with industry to complete blend testing by 2023.
Replacing and designing plant today, with products capable of dealing with future gas blends, whilst also delivering high levels of energy efficiency and reduced carbon should be considered a cost effective and smart investment for the future. From NHS healthcare to care homes and food production, heating and hot water system efficiency in all Commercial and industrial applications is critical to the delivery of decarbonisation.
Much of the Government’s green funding will be spent on an industrial de-carbonisation programme, establishing clusters of low carbon businesses across the North West. At Factory Heaters Ltd we are committed to making low carbon heating choices a reality for our clients across the UK, seeking to future-proof their business and reduce the harmful emissions they produce.
Based in Runcorn Cheshire, Factory Heaters Ltd is perfectly positioned in the North West of England, which will be the hub of the UK’s Hydrogen production. This will ensure we can fully support the upcoming initiative to roll out Hydrogen energy solutions, making low carbon heating systems a reality for both Industrial and Commercial applications around the country.
Benefitting from select supplier partnerships with ATAG Commercial Boilers and Rinnai UK water heaters, Factory Heaters only offer high efficiency appliances capable of blending up to 30% hydrogen with natural gas. So whether you have an Industrial / manufacturing application, or maybe a school, college, Caravan Park, Launderette or other Commercial application, if you’re looking at replacing your water heater or boiler, why not consider planning for the future and install a low-cost, energy efficient, hydrogen ready appliance (30% blended) from Factory Heaters, and let us support your commitment to decarbonisation.
If you would like to discuss the options open to you, contact our expert team at Factory Heaters today for further advice as to how you can help de-carbonise UK heat.
Established and experienced experts available for Commercial or industrial heating and hot water requirements. Get in touch for all your needs.